There are
lots of monsters said to be the result of magical experiments, and so are the
creatures known as stationery vermin. It seems plausible indeed that these
pests were an invention of an office working mage, cleric, or clerk who was
tired of misplacing his scissors or pencils. Whatever the truth, now stationery
vermin are breeding, and have become a nuisance in any office environment.
Stationery vermin
are small creatures, about the size of rats. Each has a piece of office
supplies for a head: scissors, a stapler, a pencil, etc. They can be either bipedal
and quadrupedal, and there are species that are bird-like and can fly. Apparently,
these shapes are independent of the type of stationery – there are both running
and flying scissorheads, for example.
Stationery vermin
can be trained to follow orders.
Stationary Vermin (2d12): AL N; MV 150’ (50’), (birdlike
vermin have 180’ (60’) flying); AC 7; HD 1-2 hp; #AT 1 (bite); Dmg 1; Save Human0;
M 5; XP 6. In addition, every type of stationery has a special attack or
ability, as given below.
Eraserhead. Erase:
At will, the eraserhead can erase
magical writing as the 1st-level magic-user spell.

Pencilhead: Illusory
script: Once per day, the pencilhead can disguise it’s writing as per the 3rd-level
illusionist spell illusory script.
Scissorhead: Cut:
The attacks of the scissorhead do 1d6 damage.
Staplerhead: Staples:
The attacks of a staplerhead do 1d4 damage.
Tape-Dispenserhead. Constriction:
if the tape-dispenserhead’s attack hits, its target’s legs are constricted,
making it impossible to walk without falling (1d4 dmg).
Ah, so the stationery vermin are not stationary, but can move.
ReplyDeleteYes, they're stationery, not stationary.