winter solstice, the Wild Hunt rides from Castle Woden. A group of riders with
black faces, a large pack of huge black hounds, and numerous spirits or fairy
beings, in pursuit of a single mortal being. The Hunt rides over ancient paths
and roads, now long gone. If they encounter a farm, a village, or another building
in their way , it’s burned to the ground.
Master of
the Hunt is the Dark Huntsman, demon-like figure with antlers and a leather
mask covering the entirety of his face. He rides either a black horse, or a
white one, depending if the Hunt hunts a guilty soul, or an innocent.
Some years
(40% chance) Frau Hulda, the snow maker, rides in front of the Hunt in her
chariot. If she’s with the Hunt, a terrible storm rages over the land, felling
trees, destroying blowing down wooden structures like fences and barns, and
sometimes making casualties.
People encountering
the Hunt should avert their eyes or risk being swept up by it. Characters who
see it must save vs. spells or become part of the Hunt. The fate of such a
person varies wildly. Some join the Hunt as hunters, following the Master’s
orders, even if they go against their alignment. They will be released after
the quarry has been caught and the Hunt is over.
Others are
not so lucky. Characters with WIS 7 or lower will join the Hunt as one of its black
hounds. The unlucky character will start running on all four and turn into a huge
dog. A smaller white puppy will stay behind in his place. After the Hunt is
over, the black hounds evaporate and the persons are lost in the spirit world for
a year. If his family takes good care of the white pup, the character will be
released next winter solstice.
Beautiful young
girls and boys (CHA 15 or above) will be kidnapped by the riders and taken back
to Castle Woden, never to be seen again.
The Wild
Hunt often rides through its quarry’s home town, destroying the village in the
process. To prevent the village from being burned down, villages often cast out
girls into the forest, hoping the Hunt’s designated prey is among them. These
girls are often taken into the homes of gnomes or witches in the forest. Some
of them are lost for good or are found the next day frozen to death. Most of
them return to the village safely, with no memory of what happened to them that
The Hunt’s quarry
is usually a girl, often guilty but sometimes innocent. She can always hear the
hounds coming closer, and is under the influence of a fear spell during the hunt. The Hunt is over when it captures its
prey and shreds it to pieces.
deep in the woods is an unnamed stone circle, overgrown and hardly recognizable
as such. The bones of the Master of the Hunt are buried there. If the prey
manages to reach the circle she’s save. The Dark Huntsman cannot enter the
circle, and will release the prey. She will never be hunted again by the Wild
Hunt in her life.
The Hunt
can be fought, but it can never be destroyed. When the Dark Huntsman and his hounds
are killed in combat, their bodies will disappear, only to reappear the next
night. If their prey is still alive, the Hunt continues.
The Dark Huntsman: AL N; MV 180’ (60’); AC 2; HD 15; hp 80; #AT 2; Dmg
1d6+6 (spear +3 ); Save F15; M 10; XP
1900. The Huntsman usually attacks with his spear
+3. He may also steer his horse to trample an opponent, for 4d6 damage.
Frau Hulda: AL C; MV 120’ (40’); AC 3; HD 12; hp 72; #AT 3 (2
claws, 1 bite) ; Dmg 2d6 (claw) or 1d8 (bite); Save M12; Special: Spells; M 10;
XP 2000. Frau Hulda specializes in spells concerning the weather. She can ride
her chariot over victims, for 3d10 of damage.
Hounds (3d4): AL C; MV 120’ (40’); AC 4; HD 6; hp 25 each;
#AT 1 (bite); Dmg 1d6; Save F6; M 9; XP 570. The Hounds of the Hunt can cause fear in any mortal being.
Call Forth
the Wild Hunt
Level: Druid 4
Duration: up to 10 days (see below)
Range: 0
This specialized ritual should be cast in the ten days between the winter
solstice and the new year in the stone circle where the Dark Hunter was buried.
The spell costs thirty minutes to cast, and requires an item belonging to the
intended victim. Once the ritual is complete, the ghost of the Hunter will
appear and listen to the caster’s reasons to call the Hunt on someone. No
matter if the reasons for doing so are just or not, the spell compels the Hunt
to obey and pursue the quarry designated by the spellcaster.